Every now and then I'll be dragged to a movie that I have no interest in seeing and most of the time I'm right about why I didn't want to see it. (after all I am a Capricorn.) However, every once in a while I will be pleasantly surprised and thus thankful that I was
Case in point: Last Holiday
The short and sweet synopsis of this fab film:
Georgia Byrd (Queen Latifah) lives a small life tucked inside big dreams. By accident she learns her days are numbered thus she throws caution to the wind and embarks on a dream holiday to do everything she ever thought was possible.
"A" That Queen Latifah is one charming bitch. DAMN charming. How charming you may be asking? Charming enough to make you laugh one minute and cry the next, all the while feeling inspired to change your life. (and for an hour and 52 minutes, that's pretty damn charming if you ask me.)
"B" Timothy Hutton plays the biggest cock sucker ever! Right up there with Rebecca De Mornay in the Hand that Rocks The Cradle... or Kyle MacLachlan in Showgirls... (but not as bad as Bette Davis in What Ever Happened To Baby Jane. Okay?!)
"C" When did LL Cool J get so cute and approachable?
"D" GĂ©rard Depardieu is the new Arnold Schwarzenegger. SHUT UP! I KNOW! WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY SAYING!?!?!?
Go see this. Love this. Quit your job, get your hair done and then do an at home clothes montage set to music. (Preferably Evita's 'Rainbow High'.)
You will not regret it.