Ahhh, Faye Dunaway. Now, I love me some crazy. You MUST know that by now.
I was watching the extras of Supergirl (Yes, they have an entire making of special on the new Supergirl DVD! Umm, when are they gonna release The Legend of Billie Jean, damn it?) with my niece and nephews awhile ago and that was when I realized that, THAT film must have been the turning point of when Faye had begun to go insane. See, she does this whole crazy bag lady acting intro thing (think 'Downtown' from Little Shop Of Horrors' mixed with 'The Finale' from Sunset Boulevard) where she's welcoming you to the set of her next big film. (Faye, it's Supergirl honey.) It's crazy. Anyway, I've always wanted to see old movies before the insanity kicked in and while I was at the video store (yes THE video store, not A video store) here in P-Town , I was browsing the Cult section and the owner, Fun Lesbian #1, said I HAD to get Eyes of Laura Mars...
Fun Lesbian #1: You HAVE to get it!
Me: Is it good?
Fun Lesbian #1: SO good.
Me: If it's good, then why is it in Cult?
Fun Lesbian #1: Listen, do you like Fashion?
Me: Duh.
Fun Lesbian #1: Do you like suspense?
Me: ummm...Yeah!
Fun Lesbian #1: Do you remember the 70's?
Me (thinking 'I know you don't think I was alive and fully functioning in the 70's!' Alas, who really was, right?): ...no...
There is AMAZING 70's fashion (both her photo shoots AND her own wardrobe), good suspense, Tommy Lee Jones at like 20 years old, Faye Dunaway with what looks like the beginning of her lazy eye thing and a theme song by Barbra Streisand.
The only way this movie could be any gayer is if naked homos were running across the screen with glitter shooting out of their asses.